Friday, September 3, 2010

The classic oil painting in the begining of “Letter to juliet”

1 . Angel Secret ?

I can't find any other detiel of this painting... 

2  . Jean-Honore Frangonard--Le baiser à la dérobée(The Stolen Kiss), St Petersbourd45x55, 1766, Musée de l’Ermitage

 It's a very famous oil painting by French painter Frangonard.We can find many books and articles write about it.

3.  Romeo and Juliet

4.  Francesco Hayez(Italian painter)--L'ultimo bacio dato a Giulietta da Romeo(The Last Kiss of Romeo and Juliet)

5. Ford Madox Brown(English painter)---Romeo and Julie,1870

6. Francesco Hayez--l bacio(The Kiss)1859),Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano

Naturally,it isn't a really bad idea for put some mystery and remarkable paintings in the begging of a movie,but the quality and mean of those paintings is very important.....

PS: I love two other paintings which are considered singulier and famous by some studise.

1. Jean-Honore Fragonard--Le Verrou(The Bolt)

2.  Sandro Botticelli--La Nascita di Venere1485. Galerie des Offices, Florence

Thursday, September 2, 2010


他喜欢谜题,也喜欢让观众进入他的谜题,其实在momento里就能看出来了,他一直对所谓“现实”有所怀疑(他自己说的,youtube上采访里),inception只是他的所谓“世界观”的另一个阐述方式,youtube上有十分多他的采访,关于他为什么拍momento,关于inception,还有他十几年前做的短片via,看那个短片大概就理解他后来,甚至到inception的创作动机了。inception里有很多细节意象性很强,如将要驶来的火车,如垮掉的屋子,可以展开出很多象征化的解释。这部电影如果能唤醒观众如今的编剧和导演有多么 偷懒那就好了。我觉得一个作者类导演娴熟的运用电影的特殊性,表达他想表达的,而且用心去做了,而且还成功了,就应当赢得支持。毕竟这个世界实在缺作者类导演,nolan超爱hitchcock,等他到了hitchcock顶峰的那个年纪能做出来什么,尚是未知数。